
Fort Lauderdale Dependency Attorney

The security of your family is our priority

Fort Lauderdale Dependency Attorney
There is perhaps no greater area of family law more frightening to a parent than dependency proceedings. A dependency action involves allegations that a child has been abused, abandoned or neglected. The action is usually initiated by the Department of Children and Families, but it can be initiated by any person with knowledge that a child has been or is at risk to be abused, abandoned or neglected. Parents often only first learn about these proceedings after their child has been taken from their care by a shelter action (emergency action to protect a child). In these cases, it is imperative to immediately contact an expert attorney who is experienced in handling dependency cases.

Don’t Lose Your Parental Rights
If you fail to protect yourself, you can lose you rights; even the right to be a parent. All too often, parental rights can be terminated as result of a parent’s failure to follow the Court’s orders or their case plan. A case plan is a document approved by the Court, and at times prepared by the Court, to address the specific concerns that exists, with the goal of the parent resuming his or her role as a parent.

If you or someone you know has had their child taken away by DCF, contact the Hymowitz Law Firm at (954) 228-3002 or use our contact form to speak to a family law expert about your case.

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